Life as I knew it, gone.
I have a dream.
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I have seen a need beyond my own that I want to fill.

Over the past few years, An area of need that is not being addressed by any group has been brought to my attention. We were victims of a drunk driver. This person destroyed much more that afternoon than just my truck and my face. We have since realized that our cut back and eventual closing of Honey Do's was a direct result of my being unable to work, and our delays caused by my treatment over the years. We are still, 7 years later, fighting to stay on track with our financial situation, and have almost lost our house twice. we went from three vehicles, a credit rating that was good enough we bought vehicles on a signature loan, money set back for Secrets college, to living from week to week, barely paying our bills, no money to help with college, one operational vehicle, and almost half a million dollars of unpaid debt directly related to the wreck and its aftermath.Several times during the past few years we survived on the kindness of others.  And we greatly appreciate this help during our times of need.
 This sets the stage so to speak for my dream. I want to repay the kindness we saw in our friends and family during our time of need. I would like to start a foundation that would provide peace of mind to other drunk driving victims. I envision a place these families can turn to to relieve the stress added by financial hardship somewhere that will help them keep their homes and lives with out worry. somewhere that the can turn to see their children through college. A grant and scholarship program that will keep others from experiencing the pain and frustration Julie and I face daily. I have several ideas on how to raise the money needed to start this fund, but have not met much support from the powers that be regarding using public forums for fund raising efforts. Some day I will do this. I will raise the 5 to 6 million needed to start this fund and administer it, and maybe even enough over that to restore our good credit and the money we used out of Secrets college funds as well.

If you are interested in helping get this dream active and operational, Please contact me at the e mail address listed elsewhere on this page and use the subject line "dreams funded", I can also be found on face book under that email. I am sure that out of 308 million people in the United States there are at least 10 million who would donate a dollar to this cause. I want to start with the state of Arkansas and  then expand this to every state in the union. I am certain this will work, that people will support this and that at least one deserving family a year would be effected in a great positive way with this being available. Even one home saved, one child sent to school with out worry, That would be amazing. And currently there is no program like this out there. Yes the victims are usually eligible for assistance through the DA's victims assistance programs, as were we, but this money ends up being spent on day to day needs and not long term stuff that you don't think of at the time.

Contact info  available on the contact me page in the main menu.

This site is dedicated to the story of Jeff McLemore and what transpired after a very bad automobile accident in 2003